I've been a bit quiet here for the past few weeks as autumn has kept me busy and away from my desk. There's still some colour to be had here and there but I'm finally getting some time to work through a few summer images. So, onto Morte Point.
This was one of those days where the weather had been quite uninspiring but I was determined to find something, even if it was only an interesting composition for a future visit. One of the joys of landscape photography is the unexpected. Sometimes this can work against you and the most promising weather forecast can suddenly turn into a dull wet evening, but sometimes it goes the other way. This was one of those latter days. During my exploration of the headland I had found a few interesting compositions, and even made a couple of nice images too. Once I felt I had all the possibilities logged for another day I was starting to think about heading back when I noticed the cloud starting to break up in the west. Well I thought, maybe if I wait a little while….
First a little sunlight broke though, then a rainbow appeared over Bull Point and then the sky lit up! I love these moments as I get such a rush. Of course there's an element of stress too as I try to pick off all the compositions I had noted earlier before the light faded. Then almost as fast as it started, it is all over and I'm packing up to go home. As a little bonus I spotted a nice image of Woolacombe forming in the rapidly diminishing light as I'm walking back to the car.
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